For most people, moving happens to one of the most stressful things in life. While a local or long-distance move can be bearable, relocating internationally is another story. Whether you’re going abroad to study, advance your career, go on a vacation, or simply retire, expect every aspect of your move to be complicated and expensive.
However, the word ‘‘difficult’ doesn’t mean ‘impossible.’ You just have to work around the obstacles you encounter. As the saying goes, ‘if there’s a will, there’s a way.’ Hence, here are ten tips on how to make your move friendlier to your budget.
Unless you win the lottery or have a fat bank account, there’s no way you can pull off moving abroad without budgeting. Did you know? The typical cost for an international move starts from $5,000, going higher depending on your cargo and the services you need. Besides travel and shipping, remember that you also have to consider additional fees such as getting your belongings past customs, visa processing, and accommodations. So the sooner you save, the more time you have to account for unforeseen expenses. At any rate, start putting away a portion of your income at least a year before the move. By the time you head out, you should have enough money saved to ensure a stress-free relocation.
Planning gives you more control over the logistics of the move. It also allows you to be more flexible when unforeseen hurdles arise. Creating a plan doesn’t have to be complicated. A simple formula is to prepare a budget, develop a timeline, and set reasonable goals to meet before moving day. It’s best to write down all your plans and record changes in a small notebook. This helps you stay on track throughout the entire process.
Planning gives you more control over the logistics of the move.
If people feel the need to hire movers even when moving across town, nothing should stop you from hiring international movers. Remember, every moving aspect from packing to transport to dealing with the legalities will be ten times harder than with a local move! Entrusting the labor to professionals enables you to focus on more important matters like preparing your papers, setting up an overseas bank account, and looking for a place to stay.
Ahhh, the most tedious step yet the most crucial one – research. You might think this article is enough to qualify as research but sorry to say. It’s not. The things mentioned here are just scratch the surface. If you’re keen on saving money, you’ll want to understand every aspect of the move. Be sure to consider:
In this world filled with rules, fraud, and uncertainties, knowledge is power. Fortunately, you have access to most the information you need online.
Face it. Hiring an international moving company is expensive. Thus, the most practical way to save isn’t by hiring the cheapest one. Instead, look for a company that provides the best value and assurance for your money. Start by obtaining quotes from multiple movers. Compare their services and coverage policies. Choose the most suitable one that can satisfy your needs and demands. And before you proceed with the contract, make sure to ask for their credentials. You never know who you’re dealing with until it’s too late!
Be sure to compare quotes from multiple moving companies.
Purging your home plays a huge role in saving money for any move. But the difference it makes in an international one is quite massive! You see, even a tiny toaster could cost a lot to transport to another country. In light of this, relocating a ton of stuff is a surefire way to drain your bank account. That’s why you’ll want to bring only the things that matter most, such as:
Basically, let go of the things that you can purchase in your new country. Instead of moving your dining table, why not sell it and pick out a new one after you settle in? Be practical. You can get rid of unnecessary items by having a yard sale or through an app like Facebook marketplace or Let Go.
Unless your new country is on the same continent as your present one, land transport is out of the question. Now, what should you choose? Sea freight or air freight? The answer’s pretty straightforward. If you have the cash to burn, go for plane shipping since it’s faster and more secure. However, since you’re out here reading an article on cutting down costs, ocean freight is the logical choice. It might take a while for your belongings to arrive, but the price will be 12 – 16 times cheaper than air freight, as stated by the World Bank. And yes, sea transport is safe for the most part. Lost item scenarios are extremely rare with trusted shipping companies. But if you still have some doubts, it won’t hurt to obtain moving insurance.
The time of the year plays a major factor in how much you’ll spend on the move. Like any other service-based business, the moving industry has peaks and off-seasons. Avoid relocating when the demand is high such as during summer break in your new country. Additionally, keep an eye out for plane ticket discounts. Expensive last-minute tickets are the last thing you’d want to deal with when keeping to a tight budget.
Although you shouldn’t skimp on choosing a moving company or shipping method, you can always be thrifty when it comes to accommodations. It’s improbable that you’ll find a permanent dwelling right after you arrive in your new country. Your best bet would be to look for a temporary place to settle for a few weeks while hunting for a suitable home. That being said, don’t forget to save enough for extended hotel stays or try to look for a cheap but clean furnished apartment in the meantime.
Whether you’re relocating locally or internationally, moving will always be a life-changing event for you and your family. The best advice you can have is to take your time. Yes, your life depends on this move, but it wouldn’t kill you to be patient. Don’t go rushing in only to make regrettable decisions. Be sure you thoroughly think things out before executing your plan. Enjoy the experience. If you do, it’ll be over before you know it.
The best advice is to take your time and stay calm.